Superior Tree Services in Virginia

HOA Tree Inventory Reston, VA

HOA Tree Inventory Reston VA

A homeowner association in Reston, VA requested a tree inventory because they were contracting work out piecemeal, mostly putting out fires. They were contracting work based on homeowner complaints. There was no comprehensive plan in place to allow them to manage this important community asset. As a result, they were also not able to incorporate proper budgeting. The homeowner complaints were largely aesthetic and usually not of high priority. The HOA wanted to know what species of trees were in the community, how many and which ones needed attention based on priority.

What We Found While Performing the HOA Tree Inventory

The trees inventoried in this community varied in age from 10 years to as old as 150 years. They had over 1000 trees with many species from sugar maple to white ash to other native trees found in Northern Virginia.

HOA Tree Inventory Reston

Each Tree in the community was assessed by an ISA Certified Arborist, precisely located on an interactive GPS map with data about the tree and priority recommendations. The client can search the mapping software by any category desired such as species, condition, priority, recommendations, etc. An Excel spreadsheet is provided as well.

The Solutions Provided After the HOA Tree Inventory

Per the criteria requested by the HOA, we provided solutions for each tree 12 inches in diameter and larger. Trees were measured for trunk diameter, evaluated for its current condition, and any recommended work is listed per tree and given a priority based on when the work should be performed. This helps with budgeting upcoming work over a period of 3-5 years.

Tree Inventory Reston

Recommended solutions could be:

Tree Inventory Reston

Challenges Faced with This Tree Inventory

The project presented some unique challenges in that the prior work performed in the last 10 years or so was of very low quality. While the cost may have been lower than the typical cost of hiring a reputable company, the damage done will cost them significantly more in the long run. Several large trees will need to be removed because of the improper pruning. Several other trees were developing structural issues as well.

Growing Earth HOA Tree Policy [Free Download]

How Often Should a Tree Inventory be Completed?

As trees are living organisms, at Growing Earth we recommend that an arborist evaluates and updates your HOA’s Tree Inventory on an annual basis in an attempt to stay ahead of changes that need to be addressed.

Interested in a Tree Inventory for your HOA? Contact us at (703) 818-8228 or request service online.