Trees, shrubs, and other plant life are the tools that homeowners use to make sure their yard has a different personality than the ones on either side of it. No one wants to have a cookie-cutter yard just like no one wants to live in a cookie-cutter house.
As a place where you spend a good portion of your life, it’s likely that you want your yard to reflect the uniqueness of your family and the things you like to do together. Anyone can plant a tree, shrub, or flower bulb, but not everyone is equipped to deal with the health and wellness issues that may threaten them.
Keep reading for a brief introduction to some of the most common
tree health and wellness issues we’ve seen in Ashburn, as well as reasons you should always turn to Growing Earth Tree Care for help!
Which Conditions Give Rise To Disease?
Like humans, there are a variety of different reasons that trees get “sick.” We understand that exposure to germs, a weakened immune system, or chronic injury leaves us open to falling ill, and the same is true of plants as well. Conditions that can combine to give rise to tree disease include geographical location, weather, soil conditions, and the overall health of the tree and other plant life surrounding it. Because of the wide variety of things that can cause tree health and wellness issues, preventing them can be difficult. That’s why tree service companies learn how to diagnosis diseases early on, and assemble a plan for effective treatment.
Common Tree Diseases To Watch For
As mentioned above, tree disease risk factors vary depending on the region of the country in which you live. However, there are some common tree diseases that can be found from coast to coast. These include:
Canker Disease
- Look For: A blister or canker sore on the tree’s bark.
- At-Risk Trees: Pine, poplar, spruce, and willows
- Cause: An open wound on the tree that becomes infected with certain bacteria or fungus
Heart Rot Disease
- Look For: Conk or mushroom bodies growing out of the tree.
- At-Risk Trees: Beech, birch, cedar, dogwood, and maple trees
- Cause: Certain species of fungus that grow in an open trunk wound or on bare wood
Powdery Mildew Disease
- Look For: A white or gray substance on tree leaves that looks like baby powder but won’t brush off easily
- At-Risk Trees: Catalpa, chokeberry, crabapple, and linden trees
- Cause: An infestation of Erysiphale fungi
Root and Butt Rot Disease
- Look For: A black, leathery fungus growing on the tree’s trunk and branching upward. May also be accompanied by mushrooms at the base of the tree.
- At-Risk Trees: Any type of tree can fall victim to root and butt rot disease, especially stressed hardwoods.
- Cause: Certain types of viruses and fungus
Sooty Mold Disease
- Look For: A black, powdery coating on tree leaves and surrounding soil
- At-Risk Trees: Boxelder, elm, linden, and maple trees (or any tree that’s host to a feeding insect population)
- Cause: A fungus that feeds on “honeydew” left behind by aphids and other insects
Our Tree Health & Wellness Experts Can Help!
If you suspect that these or any other diseases are harming your trees, contract Growing Earth Tree Care in Ashburn today. Our experts can diagnose your trees and devise a plan to save them!